Network for partners

As più39 we propose a growing offer of products which are searched into the AV Market with the exposure of our specialist products and also with our  commercial who are going to provide every information needed. Our solutions and buisness innovative formula  will satisfy every client’s need, helping them to improve their investments. In addiction, Più39 build connections into the European market with its AudioVisual Products. With our ‘Network for partners (NFP)’, we can easily implement rental services with an high quality. The aim is to create an integrative system of service and technology always on the cutting edge, which connect various companies in the industry. Every component of the « Network for partners » of Più39 srl meet quality standards, ensuring to the customers high quality services. Inserting new operators, the Più39 network enriches its coverage by expanding the destination of its own products and of your services.


Get in touch with our network of  « Network for partners (NFP) ». Be a Più39 partner.

WHATSAPP- Add our phone number on Whatsapp  e receive offerts, promotions, news and you will really be a part of the NFP. – Don’t loose your event. – Request your additional need of Audio Visual Pià39 product, let us know the period and the location of your event.

NEWSLETTER: Stay always in touch by email with our offers, news, promo and fairs’ ticket.
